Milk It For All It's Worth

The health benefits of drinking milk are pretty well known - strong bones, strong hair and nails, all that good stuff. But milk is also a potent ingredient in skin care!

Milk is rich in protein, calcium, vitamins, and minerals that help soothe and nourish skin of all types while providing hydrating and calming redness and irritation. And we're not just talking about cow's milk! Goat's milk is fantastic too because it has a pH level very similar to our skin's natural level, so skin responds very well to the nutrients in goat's milk. Vegans, have no fear - studies show that almond, soy, and rice milks have similar skin care benefits.

One of milk's most famous proponents was Cleopatra - she popularly attributed her smooth skin to her regular milk baths. Milk's lactic acid is a very gentle, natural exfoliant which helps to remove dead skin from even the most sensitive of complexions.

Milk is found in many skin care products that work to improve overall skin tone, shrink pores, gently cleanse, and boost skin's radiance. In addition, many milk-based skin care products offer incredible hydration boosts, and the fat content helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles - GREAT news for those looking for powerful anti-aging!

Look for your new favorite skin care product with milk to see all the benefits your skin could be receiving.

If you aren't quite convinced, try using your preferred type of milk as a toner for a couple weeks - simply soak a cotton ball in the milk and apply to your skin. Wait 5-10 minutes before rinsing gently. (Just be sure to rinse - don't skip that step!)

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