International Orders is not responsible for any customs fees, duties, taxes or brokerage fees relating to the shipment of product.
The customer/recipient is completely responsible for any of these items. Should a package be refused or becomes undeliverable for any reason, it will be abandoned at customs and there will not be any reimbursement or refund for the product or shipping and handling charges.Please be aware of your country’s policies on importation of skin care and cosmetics products. Many countries have very strict rules and regulations regarding international shipments of the products available on our web site. If you order a product that cannot be shipped internationally, you will be contacted by Customer Care. If you purchase a back-ordered product from us, you will be also contacted and asked if you want us to hold the shipment until the back-ordered item becomes available, cancel the back-ordered item or exchange the back-ordered item for a replacement product.
If you place an international order from us, the international billing and shipping addresses must match. There are no exceptions. You may, however, bill to an international address and ship to a US domestic address.
International Shipping
Shipping to Canada - $29.95
You will receive your order in 5-7 business days.
Rest of the World - Priority Mail International:
If you are shipping to any country other than Canada, you will receive your package in 8-12 business days.
Package Weight:
0.0lb - 3.9lb: $49.95
4.0lb - 8.9lb: $69.95
9.0lb - 14.9lb: $79.95
15.0lb - 19.9lb: $94.95
20.0lb - 24.9lb: $109.95
25.0lb and UP: Requires special shipping, please contact for a shipping quote.
Rest of the World - Priority Mail Express International:
If you are shipping to any country other than Canada, you will receive your package in 5-7 business days.
Package Weight:
0.0lb - 3.9lb: $59.95
4.0lb - 8.9lb: $84.95
9.0lb - 14.9lb: $104.95
15.0lb - 19.9lb: $124.95
20.0lb - 24.9lb: $144.95
25.0lb and UP: Requires special shipping, please contact for a shipping quote.