Red is an extremely prominent color. It is the first color in the rainbow, is the brightest color (and longest wavelength) in the visible light spectrum, and is associated with courage, vitality, and strength. It's everywhere! Did you know that NASA scientists use red light therapy on their wounded astronauts to increase healing and tissue growth for skin and organs? It works on plants, too.
So why talk about the color red on a site about healthy living and skin care?
Aside from the healing benefits of red...
Keeping your nails healthy is as simple as taking good care of your cuticles.
Cuticles protect your nails and the area around them by creating a barrier versus bacteria and other infectious agents - and they protect the tissue that helps your nails grow. Damaged cuticles - either from biting your nails or other factors - allow bacteria into your body which may cause a pretty gnarly infection. About 12% of all Americans have fungal nail infections. Gross!
One of the most common infections is paronychia which...
You've almost certainly heard of sun spots, age spots, and liver spots. Most people would call them the most embarrassing skin conditions they face (see what we did there?), and it figures that they would be the most difficult to treat or cover-up.
These issues are neatly categorized under the fancy term "Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation" or PIH, and they are caused by any surface cell damage. That seems like a broad way to describe how PIH issues are caused, but that's because there are so very many ways to damage the skin's...
We cross our legs quite a bit, don't we? Even growing up and at school, we were taught to sit cross-legged. (Of course, back in the day, we called it "Indian style," but we are much more politically correct these days!) And these days, we cross our legs in our office chairs or at home on the couch. So what's the big deal about crossing your legs, anyway?
As it happens, crossing your legs impedes blood circulation and puts uneven pressure on your back - specifically on your sacrum (the triangular bone...
Acne is perhaps the most common - and most annoying - of facial ailments. When I turned 18, I thought my skin would magically clear up because I was technically an adult. I thought the same thing at 21, 25, and again at 30... but no luck yet! As it turns out, I am simply lucky enough to have the predisposition for acne. Y..yay?
Acne is, after all, genetic - and it's a dominant gene, too! That means when both parents have acne-prone skin, three out of four of...